Sorensen Family

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

This is Tyler's Soccer team at the Coon Rapids Tournament. He is now done with Soccer for the year. They just missed advancing in their playoffs by a shoot out at the end of the game.

Since our last post I took Torrey back to the gymnastics gym for open gym where he went a few years ago. I also took Tanner and Taran. They had a terrific time! Torrey was very excited to see his name on a banner there still and to meet people who still remembered him. Now that he has grown up a lot more he really did well with all the activities.

Torrey is also working at the school pool now a couple times a week on his diving. He really has a lot more moves since he has worked on our tramp. Tyler is just about done with his detasseling. Travis is done with the restaurant where he was working and is now only at the grocery store, which he really likes! Tanner and Taran have been very busy with their neighbor friends.

Deb and I were able to close on our first investment home yesterday for our business. We should close on the second one this week. We then have an offer from another home owner from whom we are leasing to purchase his home, as well. This may happen within a month or 2. And then our fourth as soon as we can do that one. We have been leasing 5 properties and would like to have them all purchased as soon as we can.

We have had some very good meetings with our church people on Wednesdays. We are excited about meeting in our home and sharing together. We have also been fellowshipping with the Baptist church on Sundays and our kids have been enjoying their activities.

We are very excited about the big rain we had today. It was 101 degrees yesterday with due points over 70. (that is like tropical rain forest) Tonight it is in the 60's. Very nice. We knew that refreshing would be on the way. We are very thankful and so is my lawn.

Well, we hope you all are doing well!


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